Datasheet for flak_wall
One of the smallest flak wall one can build. It actually works really well especially considering the faster turning speeds on smaller crafts. This allows you to quickly punish overotations with hitscan and slowly chew on the enemies defences. Just be vary of the low ammo count.
Ship name :
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Ship description :
One of the smallest flak wall one can build. It actually works really well especially considering the faster turning speeds on smaller crafts. This allows you to quickly punish overotations with hitscan and slowly chew on the enemies defences. Just be vary of the low ammo count.
Cost: 100000₡
Crew : 12 웃
Popularity : 48
Date of submission : 2023-12-15 23:32:09.067290+00:00
Submitted by : plaus#0
Ship tags:
- mono_thrust
- shield_defenses
- elimination_ship
- orbiter
- flak_battery
- small_reactor
- small_shield