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Datasheet for Yugi's Ship Code (Also an target and a ruler)(ver.2023.12))

This is the ship codding system that I made for my ships, also along I created a defination system and ship creating theroy behind. Though regarding it my ship coding, the system is based upon the collective creation of the community and is shared to the community for all. Probably not perfect nor especially standerd, the coding system does fullfills the purpose of therotically sort out all common ships in a unified system while still practical in useage.
Along with the coding tablet, there is also my standerd crew(ver.2023.11) and a ruler. The tablet can be used as a convient example in game, a photographing matchment and a test target. Presently it is up loaded to CCC's ship library, my ship packs and here, 100% free to be shared more.
I especially thanks Excelsior community and CCC for always supporting me to survey the game and hold me in my back when I faced difficulty completeing the system.

(The ship file is Chinese named, the name means “[Parts] Target-Ruler-Mannul All in One”)

  • Ship name :

    Yugi's Ship Code (Also an target and a ruler)(ver.2023.12))

    Author :


    Ship description :

    This is the ship codding system that I made for my ships, also along I created a defination system and ship creating theroy behind. Though regarding it my ship coding, the system is based upon the collective creation of the community and is shared to the community for all. Probably not perfect nor especially standerd, the coding system does fullfills the purpose of therotically sort out all common ships in a unified system while still practical in useage.
    Along with the coding tablet, there is also my standerd crew(ver.2023.11) and a ruler. The tablet can be used as a convient example in game, a photographing matchment and a test target. Presently it is up loaded to CCC's ship library, my ship packs and here, 100% free to be shared more.
    I especially thanks Excelsior community and CCC for always supporting me to survey the game and hold me in my back when I faced difficulty completeing the system.

    (The ship file is Chinese named, the name means “[Parts] Target-Ruler-Mannul All in One”)

    Cost: 2400000₡

    Crew : 54 웃

    Popularity : 392

    Date of submission : 2023-12-15 08:51:02.588918+00:00

    Submitted by : yugi150#0

      Ship tags:
    • no_thrust
    • painted
    • campaign_ship
    • debugging_tool