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[0.21.1b] [Nuke Ultra-Light Mobile Spinner Fortress/ULMSF] [None] Exterminator's Halo by Nick (1,499,987 Credits) 

Design: Very hard— [Ran out of space, please visit this link to read my explanation for this admittedly very high ranking ⁠] 

Piloting: Hard— [Same deal as with Design 🥹

Strengths— This thing is very good against ion ships, especially the so called ''Ion Cruisers.'' Not only can it eternally tank even the strongest of 1.5mil standard ion beams unless its bumper is damaged and it can be stalled, but it can also easily escape from beams' hitting area by flying evasively, further lowering the chance of enemies' success. It also excels against enemies such as all the kinds of nuke ships (Minus nuke avoiders maybe), DC ships and other spinners of any kinds, even other ULMSFs. Some things it can not defeat it can drive to a stalemate, such as several kinds of avoiders (It is able to tank even disruptor shots for prolonged periods of time and can disengage at relative ease) and missile orbiters. Can tank fairly sizable amounts of missiles and can dodge others. 

Weaknesses— Fastwalls/Orbiterwalls and several kinds of avoiders. Whatever can stall/ramlock it can most definitely win against it. Surprisingly susceptible to TB as well. The only other way it can be defeated is if enemy does nothing but dodge its shots constantly and attack only after it is out of nukes. 

Shoutout— Obviously inspired by Enoshade's Thorned Eryngo, even though it is different in many key areas, such as being symmetrical on all four wings and having large reactors all throughout, owning less nuke storage but more nukes, less shields but better shield uptime (But worse shield overlap), also being lighter and having more engines. 

That is all. Easily my favorite PvP ship I've ever built. The ship is free to copy and use, though please be kind and give a mention. :'>

  • Ship name :


    Author :

    Nick (Nika Andriadze)

    Ship description :

    [0.21.1b] [Nuke Ultra-Light Mobile Spinner Fortress/ULMSF] [None] Exterminator's Halo by Nick (1,499,987 Credits) 

    Design: Very hard— [Ran out of space, please visit this link to read my explanation for this admittedly very high ranking ⁠] 

    Piloting: Hard— [Same deal as with Design 🥹

    Strengths— This thing is very good against ion ships, especially the so called ''Ion Cruisers.'' Not only can it eternally tank even the strongest of 1.5mil standard ion beams unless its bumper is damaged and it can be stalled, but it can also easily escape from beams' hitting area by flying evasively, further lowering the chance of enemies' success. It also excels against enemies such as all the kinds of nuke ships (Minus nuke avoiders maybe), DC ships and other spinners of any kinds, even other ULMSFs. Some things it can not defeat it can drive to a stalemate, such as several kinds of avoiders (It is able to tank even disruptor shots for prolonged periods of time and can disengage at relative ease) and missile orbiters. Can tank fairly sizable amounts of missiles and can dodge others. 

    Weaknesses— Fastwalls/Orbiterwalls and several kinds of avoiders. Whatever can stall/ramlock it can most definitely win against it. Surprisingly susceptible to TB as well. The only other way it can be defeated is if enemy does nothing but dodge its shots constantly and attack only after it is out of nukes. 

    Shoutout— Obviously inspired by Enoshade's Thorned Eryngo, even though it is different in many key areas, such as being symmetrical on all four wings and having large reactors all throughout, owning less nuke storage but more nukes, less shields but better shield uptime (But worse shield overlap), also being lighter and having more engines. 

    That is all. Easily my favorite PvP ship I've ever built. The ship is free to copy and use, though please be kind and give a mention. :'>

    Cost: 1500000₡

    Crew : 236 웃

    Popularity : 59

    Date of submission : 2023-10-23 14:02:20.807582+00:00

    Submitted by : blaze580#0

      Ship tags:
    • omni_thrust
    • shield_defenses
    • elimination_ship
    • painted
    • explosive_charges
    • nukes
    • large_reactor
    • large_shield
    • fire_extinguisher
    • medium_reactor