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Datasheet for Fall_Branches

[0:20:36][TB Nuke Orbiter] none, Fall Branches by Pine (1,499,964) 

Design: Hard - Barely meets price cap, and its much better to have the reactors even closer to one another. 

Piloting: Hard - This is a pain in the ass to pilot. Nukes have to be fired in accordance with the TB. 

Pretty fun to play with. TB as reverse thrust is pretty nice for most orbiter matchups. It may look like this survives rail but it doesnt. Do have another version that has reactors and thus shields much closer to one another which helps it survive against rails better.

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    Ship description :

    [0:20:36][TB Nuke Orbiter] none, Fall Branches by Pine (1,499,964) 

    Design: Hard - Barely meets price cap, and its much better to have the reactors even closer to one another. 

    Piloting: Hard - This is a pain in the ass to pilot. Nukes have to be fired in accordance with the TB. 

    Pretty fun to play with. TB as reverse thrust is pretty nice for most orbiter matchups. It may look like this survives rail but it doesnt. Do have another version that has reactors and thus shields much closer to one another which helps it survive against rails better.

    Cost: 1500000₡

    Crew : 240 웃

    Popularity : 66

    Date of submission : 2023-10-23 13:47:45.460796+00:00

    Submitted by : blaze580#0

      Ship tags:
    • mono_thrust
    • shield_defenses
    • elimination_ship
    • mixed_weapons
    • painted
    • utility_weapons
    • orbiter
    • nukes
    • large_reactor
    • large_shield
    • point_defense
    • fire_extinguisher
    • tractor_beams