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[No idea when I made it ][Alpha railfan] [None. I guess I have a few other ships with this theme] Gemstone Genocide by Nick (1,499,976 Credits)

Design: Moderate — This was my first PvP ship ever and thus was pretty difficult to make, but looking at it now, it's a pretty primitive design and I would've had far less trouble building it now. It was still a pain to optimize though, so good job to old me :)

Piloting: Moderate — Very easy to fly. Relatively slow, especially after the wretched rail weight nerf the second, so not that much going on there, but aiming might be hard. Could be better and harder to use with multi-target hotkeys but old me wasn't advanced enough to incorporate them, so 14x rail on a single reactor it is.

Decent ship, but to re-iterate my point in ''Piloting'' section, the rail nerf kinda broke it. It could move at good 50mps before it and after, with its insane 6323 tons of weight, it fails to even reach 40. Still can be effective against things that can't tank it, I.E. most lighter builds like Orbiwalls n' Voiders. You can aim in the middle, split a ship in two and before the confused enemy can adress the situation, retarget to one of its sides and zap it out of existence. Who would've guessed, 14 rayls do gud damag. Absolutely destroyed by the things that can catch and stall it as it'll most definitely not be able to get out of a good ramlock. Because of the lack of hotkeys it might also struggle against traps, but not by much.

My first ever PvP-centred design so I hold a lot of nostalgia regarding it. The paint's neat too for its time as back then I wasn't really good at paining. Combined total of ≈5 hours of work and a lot of questionable moments like when it costed precisely 1,500,001 credits

Shoutout: Vaguely inspired by Forder's Oneshot.

[Not sure if it should be posted in adv. ships or here though]

As always, it's free to copy and use, but be kind enough to give a mention.

  • Ship name :


    Author :

    Nick (Nika Andriadze)

    Ship description :

    [No idea when I made it ][Alpha railfan] [None. I guess I have a few other ships with this theme] Gemstone Genocide by Nick (1,499,976 Credits)

    Design: Moderate — This was my first PvP ship ever and thus was pretty difficult to make, but looking at it now, it's a pretty primitive design and I would've had far less trouble building it now. It was still a pain to optimize though, so good job to old me :)

    Piloting: Moderate — Very easy to fly. Relatively slow, especially after the wretched rail weight nerf the second, so not that much going on there, but aiming might be hard. Could be better and harder to use with multi-target hotkeys but old me wasn't advanced enough to incorporate them, so 14x rail on a single reactor it is.

    Decent ship, but to re-iterate my point in ''Piloting'' section, the rail nerf kinda broke it. It could move at good 50mps before it and after, with its insane 6323 tons of weight, it fails to even reach 40. Still can be effective against things that can't tank it, I.E. most lighter builds like Orbiwalls n' Voiders. You can aim in the middle, split a ship in two and before the confused enemy can adress the situation, retarget to one of its sides and zap it out of existence. Who would've guessed, 14 rayls do gud damag. Absolutely destroyed by the things that can catch and stall it as it'll most definitely not be able to get out of a good ramlock. Because of the lack of hotkeys it might also struggle against traps, but not by much.

    My first ever PvP-centred design so I hold a lot of nostalgia regarding it. The paint's neat too for its time as back then I wasn't really good at paining. Combined total of ≈5 hours of work and a lot of questionable moments like when it costed precisely 1,500,001 credits

    Shoutout: Vaguely inspired by Forder's Oneshot.

    [Not sure if it should be posted in adv. ships or here though]

    As always, it's free to copy and use, but be kind enough to give a mention.

    Cost: 1500000₡

    Crew : 64 웃

    Popularity : 68

    Date of submission : 2023-10-09 16:56:04.298370+00:00

    Submitted by : blaze580#0

      Ship tags:
    • mono_thrust
    • armor_defenses
    • elimination_ship
    • painted
    • orbiter
    • railgun
    • airlock
    • fire_extinguisher
    • medium_reactor