Datasheet for Eidolon_Shield_Variant
[0.20.25][Fast Wall / Avoider] none, Eidolon Shield Variant by Saris (1.5mill)
See Eidolon for the majority of details
The disruptors of the original Eidolon were largely ancillary, which I began to recognize more and more as they were very rarely actually used. They're only realistically necessary (IE cannot win without them) in the mirror match, which is rare, and against orbital walls, which are a counter that it rarely wins against anyhow. So, they were stripped and replaced with large shields, as well as a pair of hooks added. This hugely improves the ship's typical encounter.
- Large shields completely and utterly shut down rails (assuming good enough piloting). The distance that the shields project out to allows for tipping to catch rails, giving each individual segment enough time to recharge before the next volley. Though exceedingly rare heavier railfans rip straight through, standard armaments will not be able to break 2 large shields and 4 small.
- Large shields hugely help resist missiles, and though that's a difficult matchup that's easy to lose with singular mistakes, with practice it can completely tank the full HE output of an opponent. EMPs can provide complications, but even those I've found rarely represent an actual threat in the standard 2~6 amount they typically come in.
- Hooks give the ability to ramlock slower opponents, and even failing to do that better cling to rotating opponents. This allows doubling to tripling the amount of time inbetween volleys, allowing shields to recharge even further.
- TB rails can be lethal if they get close (especially if they're fast) and tilt you, but with careful piloting and proper spacing they will fail to tilt you or deal damage in any capacity. The addition of large shields and the ability to bully rails allows this Eidolon to dominate even further, and though weak in a 2v2 scenario is exceedingly powerful.
Ship name :
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Ship description :
[0.20.25][Fast Wall / Avoider] none, Eidolon Shield Variant by Saris (1.5mill)
See Eidolon for the majority of details
The disruptors of the original Eidolon were largely ancillary, which I began to recognize more and more as they were very rarely actually used. They're only realistically necessary (IE cannot win without them) in the mirror match, which is rare, and against orbital walls, which are a counter that it rarely wins against anyhow. So, they were stripped and replaced with large shields, as well as a pair of hooks added. This hugely improves the ship's typical encounter.
- Large shields completely and utterly shut down rails (assuming good enough piloting). The distance that the shields project out to allows for tipping to catch rails, giving each individual segment enough time to recharge before the next volley. Though exceedingly rare heavier railfans rip straight through, standard armaments will not be able to break 2 large shields and 4 small.
- Large shields hugely help resist missiles, and though that's a difficult matchup that's easy to lose with singular mistakes, with practice it can completely tank the full HE output of an opponent. EMPs can provide complications, but even those I've found rarely represent an actual threat in the standard 2~6 amount they typically come in.
- Hooks give the ability to ramlock slower opponents, and even failing to do that better cling to rotating opponents. This allows doubling to tripling the amount of time inbetween volleys, allowing shields to recharge even further.
- TB rails can be lethal if they get close (especially if they're fast) and tilt you, but with careful piloting and proper spacing they will fail to tilt you or deal damage in any capacity. The addition of large shields and the ability to bully rails allows this Eidolon to dominate even further, and though weak in a 2v2 scenario is exceedingly powerful.
Cost: 1500000₡
Crew : 228 웃
Popularity : 112
Date of submission : 2023-10-09 16:47:19.849177+00:00
Submitted by : blaze580#0
Ship tags:
- omni_thrust
- mixed_defenses
- elimination_ship
- avoider
- painted
- heavy_laser
- small_shield
- large_shield
- medium_reactor
- fire_extinguisher
- large_reactor