Datasheet for swaswa
[0.20.35][Swarm] none, swaswa by Pine (498,872)
Design: Easy - Same small ship with two large cannons copy and pasted six times.
Piloting: Hard - Surround the enemy! Faster and more maneuverable the enemy the harder it is.
Pretty fun to use as long as the enemy doesn't just destroy you ): With the right piloting the swarm should be able to catch most foes considering these cruise at 123m/s and boost to 153m/s.
Very limited to the amount of ammo these have, so do not just use them willy nilly.
Inspired by Slowking's swarm made with capacitors.
Ship name :
Author :
Ship description :
[0.20.35][Swarm] none, swaswa by Pine (498,872)
Design: Easy - Same small ship with two large cannons copy and pasted six times.
Piloting: Hard - Surround the enemy! Faster and more maneuverable the enemy the harder it is.
Pretty fun to use as long as the enemy doesn't just destroy you ): With the right piloting the swarm should be able to catch most foes considering these cruise at 123m/s and boost to 153m/s.
Very limited to the amount of ammo these have, so do not just use them willy nilly.
Inspired by Slowking's swarm made with capacitors.
Cost: 500000₡
Crew : 60 웃
Popularity : 50
Date of submission : 2023-10-09 16:10:21.556764+00:00
Submitted by : blaze580#0
Ship tags:
- omni_thrust
- armor_defenses
- elimination_ship
- painted
- splitter
- fire_extinguisher
- boost_thruster
- small_reactor
- large_cannon
- explosive_charges