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Datasheet for hammerhai

[0.20.25][Ion Orbiter] none, Hammerhai by ze_Kommandant (1.499.460) 

Design: Hard - non classic ion core, pretty compact 

Piloting: Medium - Ion orbit with 2 tb assisting; requires moderate microing 


It's an Ion Orbit with a none standard 24x - 3 output - Ion core giving it enough DPS to deal significant damage and being not too expensive and energy consuming in comparison to a 32x - Ion core


The 2 tractor beams may look like useless, but actually they are as important as useless. On the push config the tractor beams can assist on ram-locking and unramming. On the pull they can assist at reaching faster targets. 


The ship has strong enough frontal armoring that can withstand some railfan hits and light enough to not affect the speed that much. The detachable side armor helps against railkites and TB ships (tho not very effective), sacrificing all armor would leave the front very vulnerable to rails or anti shield weaponary 


The shielding (inspired by Saris Ion Barge) consists of 6 large shields which can further tank the damage and regenerate. 


The electro bolters / disruptors (also inspired by Saris Ion Barge) help against very strong shielding f.e. other large shields. The EMP missiles further help against shields (can also disable other things like exposed CR and engines). (edited)


  • Ship name :


    Author :


    Ship description :

    [0.20.25][Ion Orbiter] none, Hammerhai by ze_Kommandant (1.499.460) 

    Design: Hard - non classic ion core, pretty compact 

    Piloting: Medium - Ion orbit with 2 tb assisting; requires moderate microing 


    It's an Ion Orbit with a none standard 24x - 3 output - Ion core giving it enough DPS to deal significant damage and being not too expensive and energy consuming in comparison to a 32x - Ion core


    The 2 tractor beams may look like useless, but actually they are as important as useless. On the push config the tractor beams can assist on ram-locking and unramming. On the pull they can assist at reaching faster targets. 


    The ship has strong enough frontal armoring that can withstand some railfan hits and light enough to not affect the speed that much. The detachable side armor helps against railkites and TB ships (tho not very effective), sacrificing all armor would leave the front very vulnerable to rails or anti shield weaponary 


    The shielding (inspired by Saris Ion Barge) consists of 6 large shields which can further tank the damage and regenerate. 


    The electro bolters / disruptors (also inspired by Saris Ion Barge) help against very strong shielding f.e. other large shields. The EMP missiles further help against shields (can also disable other things like exposed CR and engines). (edited)


    Cost: 1500000₡

    Crew : 204 웃

    Popularity : 64

    Date of submission : 2023-10-09 15:44:33.934239+00:00

    Submitted by : blaze580#0

      Ship tags:
    • mono_thrust
    • mixed_defenses
    • elimination_ship
    • mixed_weapons
    • painted
    • utility_weapons
    • rammer
    • orbiter
    • large_reactor
    • fire_extinguisher
    • tractor_beams
    • ion_prism
    • disruptors
    • large_shield
    • emp_missiles
    • explosive_charges
    • ion_beam