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Datasheet for NF_6C

[0.20.25][Nuke Orbiter] none, NF 6C by Coolgamertag (1.5mil) 

Design: Easy - just putting some thruster modules and nukes with armor on as well 
Piloting: Medium - standard orbiter piloting, but nukes must be targeted correctly to avoid dodging and you also need to stagger shots when fighting a fast ship 

1:All Nukes 
2/3: Nukes to turn off if you don't have a CR/alternating nukes 
4/5: Engines to turn off if you loose a CR 
0: Charges

  • Ship name :


    Author :


    Ship description :

    [0.20.25][Nuke Orbiter] none, NF 6C by Coolgamertag (1.5mil) 

    Design: Easy - just putting some thruster modules and nukes with armor on as well 
    Piloting: Medium - standard orbiter piloting, but nukes must be targeted correctly to avoid dodging and you also need to stagger shots when fighting a fast ship 

    1:All Nukes 
    2/3: Nukes to turn off if you don't have a CR/alternating nukes 
    4/5: Engines to turn off if you loose a CR 
    0: Charges

    Cost: 1500000₡

    Crew : 236 웃

    Popularity : 61

    Date of submission : 2023-10-09 15:28:14.698305+00:00

    Submitted by : blaze580#0

      Ship tags:
    • mono_thrust
    • armor_defenses
    • elimination_ship
    • splitter
    • orbiter
    • large_reactor
    • nukes
    • explosive_charges