Datasheet for Skua
Despite a relatively low storage capacity for its size and weight, the Skua distinguished itself as being a solid support vessel in its own right, providing point defence, a bulwark of armour to cover for wounded allies, and, in a pinch, the choice application of persuasive nuclear armaments.
Ship name :
Author :
Shaw Fujikawa
Ship description :
Despite a relatively low storage capacity for its size and weight, the Skua distinguished itself as being a solid support vessel in its own right, providing point defence, a bulwark of armour to cover for wounded allies, and, in a pinch, the choice application of persuasive nuclear armaments.Cost: 640000₡
Crew : 76 웃
Popularity : 56
Date of submission : 2023-09-03 18:07:13.763150+00:00
Submitted by : shawfujikawa#0
Ship tags:
- multi_thrust
- armor_defenses
- campaign_ship
- small_hyperdrive
- large_reactor
- sensor
- nukes
- boost_thruster
- fire_extinguisher
- point_defense
- airlock