Datasheet for Superintendent
"When your vassal systems are failing to meet quotas and a more forceful hand is required, a Superintendant is what you need. Accept no substitutes." - Marketer Alyson Pierce during a sales pitch to the Monolith Cooperative
Ship name :
Author :
Shaw Fujikawa
Ship description :
"When your vassal systems are failing to meet quotas and a more forceful hand is required, a Superintendant is what you need. Accept no substitutes." - Marketer Alyson Pierce during a sales pitch to the Monolith CooperativeCost: 1200000₡
Crew : 188 웃
Popularity : 54
Date of submission : 2023-09-03 17:50:41.014451+00:00
Submitted by : shawfujikawa#0
Ship tags:
- omni_thrust
- mixed_defenses
- campaign_ship
- mixed_weapons
- painted
- deck_cannon
- he_missiles
- flak_battery
- airlock
- fire_extinguisher
- small_reactor
- small_hyperdrive
- railgun
- large_reactor
- large_shield
- factories