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Datasheet for Fire

[0.26.2d][2DC] Starlight Dom fleet, Fire by Xsnow (169480) Design: Moderate/hard Piloting: Very easy/Easy Lower one's eye elder brother, slightly more expensive but it has the advantages of running out of a reactor instead of capacitors. The small reactor allow it to traverse the map without running out of energy before reaching it's destination. It's both easier to use and more versatile because it can hold points much longer without resupplying. It is quite inefficent at spamming and overwelming the opponent but that is his brother job.

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    Ship description :

    [0.26.2d][2DC] Starlight Dom fleet, Fire by Xsnow (169480) Design: Moderate/hard Piloting: Very easy/Easy Lower one's eye elder brother, slightly more expensive but it has the advantages of running out of a reactor instead of capacitors. The small reactor allow it to traverse the map without running out of energy before reaching it's destination. It's both easier to use and more versatile because it can hold points much longer without resupplying. It is quite inefficent at spamming and overwelming the opponent but that is his brother job.

    Cost: 169480₡

    Crew : 32 웃

    Popularity : 42

    Date of submission : 2024-08-20 08:50:02.734315+00:00

    Submitted by : xsnow_#0

      Ship tags:
    • multi_thrust
    • armor_defenses
    • diagonal
    • painted
    • domination_ship
    • deck_cannon
    • fire_extinguisher
    • small_reactor