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Datasheet for Rook_MK4

Latest version (as of writing this) of Rook, it can orbit or ram, and it has mines. use them and the ship should work well

  • Ship name :


    Author :


    Ship description :

    Latest version (as of writing this) of Rook, it can orbit or ram, and it has mines. use them and the ship should work well

    Cost: 1500000₡

    Crew : 372 웃

    Popularity : 31

    Date of submission : 2024-07-17 22:44:57.256996+00:00

    Submitted by : butter_20077#0

      Ship tags:
    • mono_thrust
    • armor_defenses
    • mixed_weapons
    • rammer
    • orbiter
    • elimination_ship
    • deck_cannon
    • explosive_charges
    • factories
    • fire_extinguisher
    • he_missiles
    • large_reactor
    • mines