Datasheet for Altaria
[0.26.1g][TB Rail] Centauri Imperium, Altaria by Antithesis (1,499,504)
Design: Hard. TB rails are not my specialty but it was still not that hard to get all systems functional. Most of the difficulty came from converting the ship into an aesthetic-pvp hybrid from a raw pvp ship, which required several iterations just to get the shape and spikes right. I've never been much of a painter, but I was bored and wanted to give it a try. Painting made up most of the difficulty.
Piloting: Hard. Standard 12 TB rail piloting, but you have aesthetic spikes to flex on your opponents that make juicy targets for ramming hooks. The only special thing about this ship is that it's configured for hotkey piloting, which requires much more apm but is not in any way required to simply pilot the ship. If you're gonna play dirty, then bring a clean paintjob :p
I've decided to venture into the world of paint as I've become quite bored with raw elimination meta. I'm still not much of a painter but I'm really happy with how this turned out looks-wise. I just wish the ship itself wasn't so awful to fight so I could use it in more casual elimination lobbies.
Ship name :
Author :
Ship description :
[0.26.1g][TB Rail] Centauri Imperium, Altaria by Antithesis (1,499,504)
Design: Hard. TB rails are not my specialty but it was still not that hard to get all systems functional. Most of the difficulty came from converting the ship into an aesthetic-pvp hybrid from a raw pvp ship, which required several iterations just to get the shape and spikes right. I've never been much of a painter, but I was bored and wanted to give it a try. Painting made up most of the difficulty.
Piloting: Hard. Standard 12 TB rail piloting, but you have aesthetic spikes to flex on your opponents that make juicy targets for ramming hooks. The only special thing about this ship is that it's configured for hotkey piloting, which requires much more apm but is not in any way required to simply pilot the ship. If you're gonna play dirty, then bring a clean paintjob :p
I've decided to venture into the world of paint as I've become quite bored with raw elimination meta. I'm still not much of a painter but I'm really happy with how this turned out looks-wise. I just wish the ship itself wasn't so awful to fight so I could use it in more casual elimination lobbies.
Cost: 1499504₡
Crew : 172 웃
Popularity : 81
Date of submission : 2024-06-24 03:33:53.548741+00:00
Submitted by : water3833#0
Ship tags:
- mono_thrust
- armor_defenses
- elimination_ship
- painted
- utility_weapons
- orbiter
- tractor_beams
- fire_extinguisher
- railgun
- large_reactor
- small_shield