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Datasheet for Arpeggio .1

Design: Moderate. A 2 LR CG Rammer with side nukes and mine preload. Cramming this much onto a single ship was only possible thanks to the use of just 2 LR. Because of this, making the outer ERs adequately sustainable was quite challenging and required me to sacrifice even more armor than I initially planned. Another challenge with the design of this ship was making the CG focus as good as possible without sacrificing damage, thus the magazine tail on the back. 


Piloting: Moderate/Hard. Rammer piloting, but you have a very scary trick up your sleeve, which takes some getting used to to get the most out of it. The DPS of 6 CG combined with side nukes/mines makes this ship a very menacing opponent. The mines can be instaarmed by turning in the direction you want to launch them for about 40-70 degrees before launching, depending on your speed. Side mines can be utilized against other rammers in spin rams by launching them and trying to force the opponent’s side into them. Another use for them is area denial, with opponents often having to choose between facing mines or you. Orbiwalls seem to struggle to combat this ship noticeably more than other CG/Ion Rammers, due to the chance of mines instaarming and deleting a module before the pilot can react. Side nukes are also a great tool, and will be used in most matchups after the mines run out to also potentially deal critical damage to the opponent. Some matchups, like avoiders, kites or morbiters, benefit from switching to nukes immediately. 


All in all, a very fun ship to fly. It’s reasonably fast for a Rammer and offers unique opportunities to make your opponent want to suggest a mine nerf on the official Discord server. The relatively vulnerable mag tail can potentially be removed by sacrificing CG focus, or by reducing the total CG count to 5 and compensating for it by adding EBs, more launchers, or other side armaments.

  • Ship name :

    Arpeggio .1

    Author :


    Ship description :

    Design: Moderate. A 2 LR CG Rammer with side nukes and mine preload. Cramming this much onto a single ship was only possible thanks to the use of just 2 LR. Because of this, making the outer ERs adequately sustainable was quite challenging and required me to sacrifice even more armor than I initially planned. Another challenge with the design of this ship was making the CG focus as good as possible without sacrificing damage, thus the magazine tail on the back. 


    Piloting: Moderate/Hard. Rammer piloting, but you have a very scary trick up your sleeve, which takes some getting used to to get the most out of it. The DPS of 6 CG combined with side nukes/mines makes this ship a very menacing opponent. The mines can be instaarmed by turning in the direction you want to launch them for about 40-70 degrees before launching, depending on your speed. Side mines can be utilized against other rammers in spin rams by launching them and trying to force the opponent’s side into them. Another use for them is area denial, with opponents often having to choose between facing mines or you. Orbiwalls seem to struggle to combat this ship noticeably more than other CG/Ion Rammers, due to the chance of mines instaarming and deleting a module before the pilot can react. Side nukes are also a great tool, and will be used in most matchups after the mines run out to also potentially deal critical damage to the opponent. Some matchups, like avoiders, kites or morbiters, benefit from switching to nukes immediately. 


    All in all, a very fun ship to fly. It’s reasonably fast for a Rammer and offers unique opportunities to make your opponent want to suggest a mine nerf on the official Discord server. The relatively vulnerable mag tail can potentially be removed by sacrificing CG focus, or by reducing the total CG count to 5 and compensating for it by adding EBs, more launchers, or other side armaments.

    Cost: 1499996₡

    Crew : 236 웃

    Popularity : 93

    Date of submission : 2024-05-12 11:58:09.646467+00:00

    Submitted by : shevv_san#0

      Ship tags:
    • mono_thrust
    • mixed_defenses
    • elimination_ship
    • mixed_weapons
    • painted
    • rammer
    • fire_extinguisher
    • mines
    • large_shield
    • chaingun
    • explosive_charges
    • large_reactor